This project was started to provide my buddy Aaron Liber a copy of the code I had long been using to store all of the shows that I had seen and recorded. I removed stuff from the code that he wouldn't need and then he basically became a beta tester. I realized that others might want to use something like this on their own site and therefore I made it available to download at anytime.
Sites Currently Using showdb:
Demo showdb
You can now preview showdb before downloading and installing it on your own site. Feel free to use any and all functionality of the demo including the siteadmin area. At times when showdb is under new development the demo may be unavailable.
Installation Instructions
Decided to take the plunge? Hopefully this will help you along your way. These instructions should also be in the README.txt file.
Frequently Asked Questions
Not many questions have been asked, but I tried to put myself in your shoes for a few minutes and these are the questions I thought you might ask.
Submit A Bug
We all make mistakes right? :) You can also use this to request additional features or to ask a question about showdb.
Add Your Site To The List Today! Download showdb:
It is recommended that you download the most recent version below.
- Combined past and upcoming show tables into one
- Fixed code to allow for apostrophes and other special characters
- Added comments section for shows
- Added my own code back and added a variable to only display it when applicable (much easier to update now)
- Changed the way artists are added to shows
- Added a function to handle most of the table displays
- Made all code Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- Added a country field for venues
- Loads of other cosmetic changes
- To update from 1.x to 2.0 follow normal upgrading instructions but you also must perform these steps:
- Open the showdbsettings.php file (include directory) in the updated version. Change the $db parameters to match what you previously entered in the file (use your backup file to check your settings). You may also change the new settings if you want. Save your changes and overwrite the showdbsettings.php file on your server.
- Run the update1to2.php file located in the siteadmin directory in your web browser:
- Fixed queries to return shows with no artists attached
- Fixed adding of multiple shows on the same day at the same venue
- Added more sorting for artists and bands
- Removed code that numbered shows since it was useless after sorts
- Added stylesheet file showdb.css in the new style directory
- Added functionality to auto update alternate name fields for both renamed venues and artists
- Fixed code so register_globals no longer needs to be On. By default, this directive is turned off in PHP 4.2.0
- Added showdbsettings.php so changes to showdbheader.php no longer overwrite user defined settings
- Added basic sorting to the column headers for most pages
- Changed more things thanks to my beta tester Aaron Liber
- Changed many things to get the code working
- (Code not available for download)
- Copied code from my own site
- Removed all junk that is not needed for this project
- (Code not available for download)